The group’s itinerary plans for an early morning departure. The students need to arrive at the high school band room at 7:30 am Saturday. After band uniform check out and loading the equipment truck, the students are to load the charter bus by 8:30 and begin the three hour drive from Omaha, Nebraska, to Sioux Falls South Dakota. The band plans to arrive at their destination in time to eat lunch before their 2:00 pm warm-up times. Following their 4:30 performance in the preliminary round, the band hopes to find out that they will qualify to march in the finals beginning at 7:00 pm. The final awards are announced at 9:30 pm and the 140 member high school marching band hopes to be back on the road to Omaha by 10:00 pm. Without any interruptions, the band should pull back in the school parking lot by 2:00 am Sunday.
Luckily, the transportation services are being provided by charter busses, allowing the students room to relax and rest during the six hours of travel.
The charter bus industry accounts for 631,000,000 passenger trips annually in America and Canada. In fact, every full motorcoach can potentially eliminate 55 automobiles from the highway. In addition to consolidating travelers, using bus tours as transportation services also provide a more energy efficient mode of travel than many types of automobiles. The newest motorcoaches emit the least carbon dioxide (CO2) per passenger mile when they are compared to other vehicles. On average, a charter bus is six times more energy and fuel efficient than single occupancy automobiles.
Group transportation services make school and church travel affordable and safe. A chartered bus service can even be offered to parents who want to accompany their students and athletes on long road trips. Avoiding the cost and hassle of parking once the groups arrive are other benefits of organizing motorcoach service for your next event.
In the case of a high school marching band, the bus itself can also provide a safe place for the musicians to keep their belongings, as well as an option for staying out of the elements during lengthy wait times between events.
The next time your school or church group is looking at options for travel, make sure that you research the cost and the benefits of traveling as a group by a charter bus. You might be surprised to discover that as a per person expense, traveling on special events bus trips as a large group is often the most safe and the most affordable option.