Sometimes you just need another point of view. It is a healthy mind that constantly looks to see the world from as many perspectives as possible in order to understand it. And sometimes you need to get away from the hustle and bustle of it all in order to calm your mind and find those other perspectives. Carriages in Central Park can be the perfect way to get away for a new perspective, whether you are looking for a peaceful and enjoyable break from city life, or hoping to impress a date.
The world through a horse’s eyes
If you are truly looking for inspiration for seeing the world in a different way, think about how a horse views the world. With eyes set on the sides of its head, a horse has the ability to see almost everything around it at one time. Quite literally a different point of view, the horse that leads your stagecoach ride can nearly see 360 degrees at once. Knowing this little tidbit could be the encouragement that you need in order to take in absolutely everything around you during your ride through the park. Make it your goal not to miss a thing. Life has a way of quickly passing us by, especially in the midst of one of the busiest cities in the world. Taking a break to really take it all in can give you the fresh perspective that you need.
Making an adventure of the carriages in Central Park
The carriages in Central Park are often a popular destination and activity for tourists, but the smart city dweller will also make use of them. Horse carriage rides have the ability to bring your heart back to a simpler time, a time earlier than you have ever experienced, and that ancestral nostalgia brings to the forefront an appreciation not only for simpler times and how things used to be, but also for the current ability that we have to choose simple moments, even in the chaos of modern society. Central Park carriages bring all of those perspectives together in one of the most impressive sanctuaries that New Yorkers have access to.
Why you should not miss out on carriages in Central Park
The popular park is made up of an impressive 843 acres, and stretches for about two and a half miles, with a width of approximately one half of a mile. It stretches north to south between 110th Street and 59th Street, and east to west it reaches between 5th Avenue and Central Park West. Each and every year, Central Park receives about 42 million visitors. An average ride in the horse drawn carriage will last for about 40 minutes, and if you are trying to impress a date, that amount of time is just about perfect. One study showed that men take about 15 minutes to decide whether or not they will want to go on a second date, while women give the decision around an hour. So the 40 minute ride could be the perfect place and duration to make up your mind about the person sitting next to you.
Don’t be afraid to try something different
There are classic dates to go on. There are classic ways to take a break during your day or to reset to the inner peace that helps bring you balance. But switching up your routine could also be the perfect solution, and even if a carriage ride does not quite sound like something you would typically indulge in, it is always important to consider what a different perspective could add to your life. Perhaps particularly if it is something that doesn’t seem like something you would do, you should try it, at least once. Look for the beautiful, look for the enjoyable moments that you can too often miss, and you could be pleasantly surprised at how much you like it.