If you currently have vacation home rentals, or are looking to invest in some, vacation property management services are vital to your success. According to a Harris Interactive poll, 61% of those surveyed said they still work while they are on vacation, which include those who own vacation properties. Furthermore, if you are busy at your day job, who is going to answer phone calls while you are working? A property management company can handle all the details of your vacation home rentals, yet still allow you to collect an income while they are rented out.
Currently, city dwellers are choosing to purchase country houses and vacation homes because of the historically high prices of real estate within the city. The vacation market provides space that is more affordable and offers owners with potential rental income. Vacation home sales have been growing about 57% this year, with more inventory becoming available for vacation property management.
What Vacation Property Management Services Offer
Marketing is one area that a management company takes care of. The company will market to your potential renters and fill your vacation houses with reputable people. They will screen applicants, and decide who will stay in your home. Once the company finds the right renters, they will create reservations based on the openings you have for vacation home. The vacation property management services work around you schedule to find what works best, so it is open when you need it and filled when you don’t.
Another area property management handles is guest services. The company will answer any questions guests have before their arrival, during their stay, and any follow up that may be needed. This frees up your time so you can focus on your family and day to day life.
Property care is another area that vacation property management services assists with. If maintenance is needed on site or something is not working properly, especially while a guest is there, the company will send a technician out to remedy the problem in a timely manner. Since you are likely not available 24/7, it is nice to have a company that is. This way, the guest is satisfied and is more likely to return.
According to a 2015 survey, 21% of people prefer to stay in a vacation rental in June and July, and 18% prefer to stay in a vacation rental in August and September. Therefore, if you have rental properties that need to be filled or are looking into purchasing one, a property management company will handle all the technical details. In addition, they even provide an accounting team so you do not have to worry about keeping track of the income. Vacation property management services will fill your homes and provide you with steady income while you focus on your daily life.