Sometimes moving into a new home can be a joyous time, other times it can seem like a chore, especially if the move is sudden and very unplanned. The month of June was considered the one month of the year that most moving occurred with a little over 13% of moves happening during this month. People find themselves needing to move for a variety of reasons. Whether you found your dream home while searching new homes for sale, your rent house has been sold, your rent has gone up or your family status has changed due to the birth of a new baby, the death of a loved one or even a divorce and brand new co-parenting concerns, there are a few key points that you want to keep in mind. Consider these tips below if you’re searching for a new home before you actually start the moving process.

Aside from finding the perfect home, you want to make sure that you find one that has good schools. Whether you choose to send your children to a public or private school, you should ensure that the schools meet your standards. This may mean that you perform a few steps to find out more about the school. Social media is becoming increasingly popular which means that you can reach out to people within a specific area to find out more information. Asking others within the area about local public schools, local private elementary school or even child care centers can help you make an informed decision as to whether the area is a good place to search. There is nothing worse than moving into a new home just to find out that the school system is awful and you have to drive out of your way across town for your children to attend a school that better. Private schools typically offer different kinds of schooling than a traditional public school, but along with that, there is also the cost of your children attending a private school. Before making the leap and moving into a new home, consider the cost of sending your child to a private school if the public schools do not meet your standards. This cost should be calculated into your monthly bills especially if you are renting. Public schools are free, however, private schools are not only not free and somewhat expensive, but the majority do not offer transportation to and from school. You the parent are responsible for that, so those costs should also be calculated into your monthly budget.
Consider going to the schools and asking questions. Talk to the administration of the school and see if you can walk around to observe a typical school day. If you are researching day care centers try to show up unannounced and ask to look around. Seeing things for yourself could either seal the deal for the neighborhood or cause you to start a home search elsewhere. Don’t forget that many public schools now have ratings online, which means you can see how well they perform in specific areas compared to other schools. This can help you narrow down a feasible area to begin your search.

You could be in for a big surprise if you don’t do your research before moving into a new home. The prices between buying and renting differ greatly, but these prices also vary drastically depending on where you choose to live. The average neighborhood rent for one side of town could be double the rent for the other side of town. Different factors could affect the price of the rent, some which may be important to you and some which may not matter very much. The neighborhood itself could be a newer neighborhood, which means houses in that specific neighborhood will rent or sell much higher than an older neighborhood. The house itself may be an older home that has not been renovated or remodeled in a while. These things could lead to cheaper rent or a cheaper selling price compared to surrounding homes. The neighborhood itself could be a questionable neighborhood. Once again social media is a great help for this. You can find out what the crime rate is for certain neighborhoods. Usually, neighborhoods with things such as gated entrances, and security will run much more for houses that are for sale as well as houses that are for rent. If you happen to find an incredibly cheap price that seems too good to be true you should research thoroughly whether the house is being rented or sold. Considering all the different variables can help you get a general idea of common selling prices and common rent prices, so that you know what you’re looking at. This can help you quickly spot prices that are insanely high, as well as prices that are too low meaning the house may not be in acceptable shape or an acceptable location.
Sometimes going through a real estate agent seems like the quickest way to find a home for sale or a rental house, but don’t consider that your only option. Sometimes driving around neighborhoods you can find houses for rent or sale that a realtor doesn’t even know about. Rental agencies typically have many houses or rent for you to choose from. Exhaust all avenues to ensure that moving into a new home of your choice is the perfect home whether you are renting or buying.

Sometimes the perfect home for your price range and in the perfect neighborhood is not quite so perfect on the inside. Don’t let the stop you from moving into a new home. There are many things that you can do on your own. Once you have done the hard work like finding the perfect location that you and your family will be happy with, and finding the best schools to raise your little ones, the small details of the house are something that can most times be easily fixed. Things like the interior of the house can be fixed quickly with a quick interior painting session. A fresh new coat of paint can put a completely different spin on any room. Whether you are touching up from the previous residents and keeping the color the same, or changing the color altogether to match your interior design preferences, this is a job that can most time be accomplished over the weekend and not cost an arm and a leg to get done. Compare your home to other homes in the neighborhood and talk with your neighbors. Solar panels are becoming more and more popular, and some areas do not have a choice for electric contractors, you are stuck with just one company and the price that they charge. Solar panels could be a smart investment, and many times you’ll find newer homes in a newer neighborhood have solar panels already. Consider why they opted for those and talk with them to see if they made a difference, as your home could possibly benefit from them too. Consider what kind of security you want your new home to have. Do you need to install cameras and extra lighting? Is a home intercom system necessary, especially if moving into a bigger house, or a multi story home. Is there a gate around your property, or do you need to install one to corral small kids and animals. All of these minor things should not make or break your decision to purchase a specific home that you love. Installation of these small things is the same as painting, a weekend or two weekend job. With a little work and improvement you can turn your home into your dream home in no time.
Another benefit of talking with your neighbors is getting the inside scoop on local companies. They most likely have gone through other companies and found the best ones that they love the most. Talk with them to find out who they prefer for their repair work on their houses. See who takes care of their lawns and keeps them looking fresh. If you opt for solar panels ask who did their solar installation. Find out the best internet and television service. This can keep you from switching from company to company to find the best one and not only save time and frustration, but money as well.

Just as some of the small tasks can be completed in a weekend’s time, moving into a new home can be as well if you take proper steps and plan accordingly. First off, plan realistically. Don’t expect to be packed and moved in just one day, that is probably not going to happen. Start packing as soon as you know that you are going to be moving. You can pack things such as seasonal items, or items that are not used regularly and store them in a closet. Keep things like dishes, silverware and pots and pans for closer to the move. Once the moving day is approaching start packing boxes with things that you use more often, but leave the boxes open so you still have access to these things until you officially load them and move. Be sure to label all boxes, even if you just label what room they will go into. This will make it easier to load things into your new home and reduce tons of boxes being loaded into the first room you come into. Make sure that you label fragile items and don’t load the boxes too heavy so the bottoms don’t break. Don’t overlook the fact that there are companies that help with moving. If you feel as though the process of packing and moving may be too much depending on your work schedule or your family’s schedule then a moving company may be your best bet. The money you spend to have professional movers is money well spent if it saves you your time and sanity. As with any other company, be sure to check out different companies and do your research to make sure that they are a company that can be trusted, and that they are well worth the money that they charge. Whether you’re hiring a moving company or packing and moving yourself take a little extra time to prepare and ensure that things are packed in an organized manner rather than sporadically thrown into boxes. Moving into a new home can be stressful as it is, and having a little bit of organization will make you happy you invested to the time organize your packing when you did.
Depending on when you are moving, some things will need to be unpacked immediately and some things can wait until others are unpacked. Take a little extra time to wipe down objects that could collect dust before you pack these items. Take the time to wash seasonal items that may not be used immediately. Things such as coats and comforters should be washed before placing them into a box and packing them. Placing a dryer sheet in with these seasonal items can keep them smelling fresh and clean, even if it is a month or two before these items get unpacked.

No matter what the reason is for moving into a new home and no matter whether you are buying a home or renting a home, considering all of your options and lining everything up will make the entire process run smoothly. You may find yourself feeling crunched for time if you were not expecting to move, and the stress levels of packing, moving and finding a new home could do nothing more than increase your levels. Maybe you have been searching for your dream home and you have finally found it, and the thought of moving into your new home has you ecstatic until you realize all of the work that must be done to pack, prepare to move and actually move. Careful planning before the move can help the entire process go as smoothly as possible. Careful research and due diligence can help you choose the perfect home even if you weren’t planning on having to move and are crunched for time to find a new home. Moving into a new home doesn’t have to be a headache, and your stress levels shouldn’t rise to unhealthy levels with the thought of moving into a new home. Carefully plan your details using these tips above. Consider all of your options and choose carefully to ensure that this move is a successful one. With a little help from these tips you can ensure that your home is perfect, your valuables are well protected, your move goes as smoothly as possible and that you and your family can enjoy your new home for years to come without the worry of having to repeat this process in a couple of years for another move.