Camping is one of the most popular outdoor recreational activities in the United States, whether it is in a tent at a campground, a recreational vehicle or even just the backyard. In 2013, the revenue of campgrounds and RV parks was estimated at around five billion U.S. dollars.
If you?re planning a camping trip this year with family or friends then there are several considerations for what you need to bring along to make your trip a success. Always plan ahead, Forty-three percent of campers planned their trips at least one month in advance. You should also consider any planned or potential activities associated with your camping trip such as fishing, hiking/backpacking, birdwatching, and hunting. A common distinction in backpacking is that your campsite is more adaptable as a destination. Usually the gear you brought is commonly lighter in weight and more compact. Traditional camping is more geared towards setting a destination ahead of time and packing according to the location. Each need is different but you should build a checklist based on each destination, amenities available, weather and location.
Campgrounds or Backpacking
There are many places to camp across the United States. Naturally you want lighter gear for backpacking and sturdy equipment for campground camping. So you can modify your checklist to fit those needs. Thirty-four percent of campers did not make advanced camp site reservations.
Now this should never be downplayed in anyway. You are still very much in need of outdoor accessories. Cabins aren?t always built to meet luxurious needs, just the basics. If you?re planning ahead for a long term trip, make sure to call in advance to confirm availability and check the cancellation policies in case of changes in weather.
RV Camping
RV camping allows for mobility and allows for a comfortable bed, hot shower and cleaner environment. You should pack your RV according to the needs and capabilities your RV provides as well as the location. Consider waste and clean water as another thing to prepare for in advance, most campgrounds offer affordable waste removal dumping and clean water resources. RV camping is also a great option for the elderly, disabled or infants and small children.
Modify this general checklist to your liking and take all of the considerations mentioned into account before writing down what you?ll need.
- Sleeping Bags, Pillows, Bedding and Padding
- BackPack, Storage Containers (for food, drink, garbage)
- Fold-up Tables and Chairs
- Tents and Accessories (Poles, Stakes, Tarps)
- Lighting (Headlamps, Lanterns, Flash Lights, Tent Lights)
- Batteries and Propane
- Cooking Hardware
- Utensils
- Apparel (Boots, Gear, Clothing)
- Water Filtration or Bottled Water
- Bug Repellent, Sunscreen and First Aid Kit
- Maps, GPS or Compass
- Easy Nutritional Snacks
The Weather
Never count out mother nature, she?s beautiful but she can put an end to your trip in minutes. Consider extra tarps, stronger tie downs and stakes and anything else that can keep your equipment dry and safe. Also, consider emergency neon glow light sticks in case your electrical or gas powered accessories go out.
Activities, Toiletries and Accessories
If you’re boating, remember to properly prepare your boat for safety. If you’re fishing then bring rods, extra line, reels, lures and tools. Make sure you have appropriate mechanic tools for oil changes, tire changes and whatever else you might encounter for an RV camping trip. Bring towels, toothbrushes, soap and the basic hygiene needs of daily use. Be considerate to the environment and find some eco friendly products to use. Eco Friendly Baby Wipes are a lifesaver for those with young children. You?ll also want to consider a good hat for sun protection, beanies, gloves, bandana for bug protection, waterproof watches and any other items that can protect you.
Clothing and Footwear
Clothing items like quick drying hiking pants, underwear, socks(bring extras just in case) and an easy pullover for rain will come in handy. Also consider wearing easily removable layers for hot temperatures and cold temperatures. In extreme elements, use heavy jackets for the cold and rain. If you do a lot of hiking, then get waterproof hiking boots that protect your ankles and then also bring some comfortable shoes you don?t mind beating up on for when you return to camp.
In closing, be responsible, be safe and be considerate to wildlife. More importantly, enjoy some rest and relaxation